FOTAMA having more than one decade experience behind in building and civil infrastructure construction projects in Hong Kong & overseas. The company founded by Registered Professional Engineers who have strong background of engineering design office and construction project management experience in Hong Kong SAR & internationally.
FOTAMA have accumulated expertise in building, civil infrastructure and maintenance sectors. Our core team have technical and construction project management expertise to provide engineering & construction services to Hong Kong industry with professional, innovative and reliable manners.
FOTAMA Engineering & Construction Limited於2016年註冊成立(根據香港“特別行政區”法律),為當地建築行業提供知識型專業工程服務。 FOTAMA核心團隊由註冊專業工程師組成。我們的團隊擁有專業的技術知識及豐富經驗,並曾參與香港特區的各種標誌性和大型建築項目。
FOTAMA is engineering consultant in Hong Kong SAR, We provide professional structural design & analysis services for building and civil works. FOTAMA main focus is to provide technical services for alteration and addition works for existing structures and complex temporary works to facilitate construction of permanent works for both building and civil infrastructure projects.
FOTAMA是香港特區的工程顧問公司,我們為建築和土木工程提供專業的結構設計和分析服務。 FOTAMA的主要對象為現有結構提供改造,增建及臨時工程的技術支援服務以提升基礎設施項目的永久性及實用性。
FOTAMA also have construction department lead by experienced construction personnel. This enable us not only to provide design and built solution but also all our works methodologies & designs are devised by professional & experienced engineers focusing on constructability, safety and most cost effective. We are also registered contractor with Construction Industry Council and Building Department. We have in house structural/geotechnical engineers, 2D CAD drafting & 3D modelling personnel and multi-skilled experienced construction team.
FOTAMA的建築部門由經驗豐富的工程人員領導。我們所有的施工程序和設計方案都是由專業和經驗豐富的工程師設計,我們不僅能夠能為客戶提供設計和構建的解決方案,並專注於可施工性,安全性和成本效益。我們團隊亦是建造業恊會及建築署的註冊承辦商。我們擁有結構/土力工程師,2D CAD繪圖和3D建模人員以及多技能經驗豐富的施工團隊。